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3 remarkable technology trends in the logistics industry

A few decades ago, paper maps were the go-to navigation tool, a staple in every driver's cabin. Now, they're almost obsolete, replaced by mobile navigation applications. This shift is just one clear example of technology's invasion and its profound impact on the transport management industry.

With a focus on the 4.0 Industrial Revolution and the ongoing wave of digital transformation in business, let's explore three notable technology trends shaping the logistics industry in 2020:

1. GPS (Global Positioning System)

GPS technology, particularly vehicle tracking, is among the most widely utilized tools in logistics. Fleet managers leverage GPS to pinpoint each vehicle's current location, devise optimal transportation routes, and dispatch vehicles promptly.

Moreover, GPS, when paired with fuel sensors, helps prevent fraud. By monitoring location, distance traveled, and fuel consumption, managers can detect any irregularities in transactions. Additional GPS applications include driver attendance tracking and emergency vehicle locating.

Dibee is presently collaborating with 12 distinguished GPS brands in the market, including Vietmap, Binh Anh (BA GPS), EUP, Magiwan, Binh Minh, and others, thereby doubling the capability to manage fuel consumption and detect fraud for businesses.

2. Telematics (mobile telecommunications)

Telematics is renowned for its role in enhancing fuel efficiency. By gathering data on driver behavior and skills, telematics enables managers to identify fuel-wasting habits such as excessive speeding, harsh braking, or unnecessary idling. Armed with this insight, managers can provide targeted training or make timely adjustments to improve fuel economy.

3. Remote diagnostics

Remote diagnostics, often integrated with telematics, facilitates the remote detection of vehicle faults. This technology allows you to assess the vehicle's condition and engine performance without physical inspection or a trip to the repair shop. With this information at hand, proactive maintenance plans can be devised, minimizing unexpected breakdowns and ensuring uninterrupted journeys.


Technology has reshaped various industries, and transport management is no exception. Applications and technologies tailored for transportation management have revolutionized operations for agile and innovative businesses. By streamlining processes, reducing manual labor, and enhancing productivity, these advancements have led to substantial profit increases for many enterprises.


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